$74,400 OTF Grant Reduces Social Isolation for Diverse Older Adults


MEDIA RELEASE           June 23, 2023 

Toronto, ON – On June 15th, Daisy Wai, MPP and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility met virtually with representatives from the Toronto Council on Aging’s (TCA) Community Circle to hear how a two-year, $74,400 Resilient Communities Fund from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) in 2022 is making an impact on its work.

“Without this grant, we would not have been able to reach out to marginalized communities,” said Davina Hang, Outreach Coordinator and Program Facilitator for TCA’s Community Circle Program. “It was challenging over the course of the pandemic to engage with TCA members, who tend to be over 65 and socially isolated. We are so grateful for the positive impactful this grant has given for the Community Circle program – it created a space for a sense of belongingness that is safe, healthy, and fun for our communities. We believe that by providing a virtual/-in-person platform for engagement, we can continue reducing the impact of social isolation and promote overall well-being within our communities,” added Hang.

The two-year grant funded the Community Circle program which has been seeking to engage Toronto’s diverse older adult communities and reduce social isolation during COVID-19. The highly successful Community Circle program, which was launched last year is now entering its second year. This program continues to collaborate with local communities and host virtual webinars, in areas such as arts and culture, recreation, health and fitness and social services. Through the Community Circle program, participants have had opportunity to connect with others, explore new interests, and access vital resources that contribute to their overall social- welling and health. The program’s webinars and events were designed to cater to the diverse interests and needs of Toronto’s older adult population, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for all participants. 

“We would like to thank the Ontario Trillium Foundation for their support of our Community Circle program,” said Cathleen Edwards, TCA President of the Board. “This year the program provided 586 Seniors in Toronto with 50 sessions where they continued to learn and build social connections.”  

The Toronto Council on Aging is a non-profit, charitable organization addressing the issues and concerns of older adults in Toronto. Guided by our inter-generational Board of Directors, our work is led by the grassroots wisdom of older adults. The TCA is committed to educating widely, representing, and serving diverse populations, providing leadership, and aiding in the development of an age-inclusive city through collaborative networks.

For more information about the Community Circle Program, other TCA programs and how to get involved, please visit torontocouncilonaging.com or contact Toronto Council on Aging at admin@torontocouncilonaging.com.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF), an agency of the Government of Ontario, and one of Canada’s leading granting foundations celebrates 40 years of grant-making in Ontario and making a lasting impact in communities. Last year, OTF invested over $110M into 1,022 community projects and partnerships, which included funding for the Government of Ontario’s Community Building Fund. Visit otf.ca to learn more.

Organization Contact for Media Inquiries: 

Cathleen Edwards
Toronto Council on Aging

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