Discover, explore and enjoy Toronto’s arts, cultural experiences, and attractions. Book your free pass with your adult library card


Discover, explore and enjoy Toronto’s arts, cultural experiences, and attractions with tpl:map. Book your free pass with your adult library card and start your adventure today. For more information, please see our FAQs.

tpl:map logo and the words ‘Your journey to Toronto’s arts & attractions starts here.‘ There are five circles with icons and images in them (jellyfish, a woman smiling, a dinosaur, a child playing, and a bear), as well as a location marker with dotted lines connecting to each of the circles.

How do I get a pass?

Log in to the tpl:map reservation site with your library card, choose from available attractions, reserve your date, and print or download your pass.

Reserve a tpl:map pass

Explore participating attractions

Toronto is home to some of the world’s leading museums and attractions. Exploring those destinations has never been easier. Check out the participating attractions below.

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