ACE is a community legal clinic for low-income seniors across the province. In addition to working on systemic issues that impact many older adults, we also provide direct services to seniors who live in the Greater Toronto Area and meet our eligibility criteria. ACE is the first and oldest legal clinic in Canada to specialize in the legal problems of seniors. We are staffed by experienced lawyers and legal support workers.
ACE Lawyers and Staff may…
- Provide you with information on your legal rights
- Assist you in dealing with government offices
- Represent you in court and before legal tribunals
- Provide you with general legal information, resources and referrals on some matters that we are not able to assist with
- Deliver workshops and public legal education programs for seniors’ organizations, health and social services providers, and other groups interested in seniors’ issues
ACE’s mission is to improve the quality of life of older adults by providing legal services on seniors’ issues that include direct client assistance, public legal education, law reform, community development, and community organizing. Learn more about ACE’s legal services.
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