Cathleen Edwards, BHK, MA
Director + Communications Committee Chair, board of directors
Cathleen is the Education Manager for Family Councils Ontario (FCO) where she works to support families to improve the quality of life in long-term care. She completed her Bachelor of Human Kinetics degree at the University of Windsor and her Master of Arts in Health & Physical Education at Brock University. Since 2015 she served as a professor in the Activation Coordination in Gerontology program at Durham College where she partnered with a local long-term care home for an initiative called “adopt a senior” where her students would meet and support a resident identified as being at risk for social isolation and loneliness. Prior to her role at FCO, she served as a Work package coordinator for AGE-WELL and as a Lab Coordinator at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. She is excited to work to support opportunities for on-going education, meaningful engagement and social networking for older adults in Toronto throughout her time as a member of the board. Cathleen serves as the Board lead for the Power in Community grant from New Horizons.