What does it take to be a super-ager?

Research suggests that moving out of your comfort zone is the key to staying mentally and physically young.
Finding role models who are older than we are gets more difficult as we age. But in the last few years, medical science has identified a new group we can aspire to join — the super-agers. The term refers to people in their 70s and 80s who have the mental or physical capability of their decades-younger counterparts.
providing services for lgbt2sq seniors

In this blog post for the Seniors Health Knowledge Network, RHO’s Devan Nambiar writes about caring for LGBT2SQ seniors:
“To provide inclusive, affirming services and welcoming health care to seniors, healthcare and social service providers working with aging populations can start by being aware that not all seniors are heterosexual and cisgender. Whether you are a volunteer, personal support worker, physician, nurse or social worker, there is plenty you can do to create a more welcoming environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, Two-Spirit and queer (LGBT2SQ) seniors. You can start by growing your knowledge.”
Maintaining A Healthy Diet for the Elderly

34 Healthy Eating Tips for the Elderly: How a balanced diet and necessary vitamins can improve physical and mental health in old age…
Why should older adults look after their diet?
As people age, they undergo physiological changes, including reduced metabolic rate, altered taste and appetite, and decreased digestive efficiency. Because of these changes, older adults are more prone to malnutrition, muscle weakness, and various chronic diseases.
Maintaining a well-balanced diet full of whole foods and ecological products can help the elderly prevent health complications and ensure their body receives vital nutrition to support daily activities and overall well-being. Moreover, healthy eating helps an aging organism to bolster the immune system and aid cellular regeneration, ensuring vitality and longevity.
Yes, ‘old person smell’ is a thing – but what causes it and can you neutralise it?
Why does evolution create this unique odour in seniors? And yes, it’s a thing. Even the Japanese have a word for it.

You don’t have to have a canine’s superior olfactory system to know that we emit different odours at different stages of our lives. Babies, for instance, naturally smell pleasant even as they produce explosive diapers and regurgitated milk. During puberty, it’s what smells like teen spirit – usually reminiscent of onion and sweat – that is likely to be the scent du jour.
Your personal smell-scape changes again in your senior years and it’s not because you’ve adopted a new cologne or perfume. We’re talking about the “old person smell”, which you might have caught whiffs of in the just-vacated MRT seat, lift, taxi interior or if you live with elderly parents or grandparents: An amalgamation of Axe brand oil, moth balls and an unmistakable greasy, grassy odour.
Never past your prime! 13 peaks we reach at 40 or later – from sex to running to self-esteem

It’s easy to fixate on everything you’re getting worse at as you age. I’m 48, and trying to remember a phone number long enough to dial it, write under time pressure or sprint after the bus all leave me marvelling – if that’s the word – at my evaporating abilities. Muscle and bone mass decline from your 30s, and midlife can feel like a slippery, baffling slope towards decay (yes, I am fun to be around, thank you for noticing). But are there things even someone as ancient as me can still get better at?
The assumption that ageing is inevitably a process of cognitive and physical decline is one Daniel Levitin, professor of neuroscience at McGill University, sought to challenge in his book The Changing Mind. “Our societal narrative is not based on science – it’s based entirely on prejudice,” he tells me. “Contrary to popular myth, we never stop learning or growing new brain connections.” Hearing this, I’m reminded that my newfound love of birds has furnished me with a shiny new mental library of calls and feather patterns. I’ve also managed, with practice, to improve my terrible sight-singing at choir.
The #1 Exercise to Do as You Get Older

Yes, a great workout challenges all of the major muscle groups in your upper and lower body. But if you have time for only one exercise, you’ll get the most bang for your buck by doing squats — the classic move in which you slowly lower your bottom to seated level, then stand back up.
The Little Lifestyle Changes That Help You to Age Slower, According to New Research

Slowing your biological age, which is different than your physical age, might be easier than it sounds.
New research finds that taking care of your heart health can help you be younger than your actual ag. People who followed the American Heart Association’s Life’s Essential 8 had a biological age that, on average, was six years younger than their physical age. Doctors say this is definitely worth trying.
There’s been a focus over the last few years on not just trying to live longer, but aging in a healthy way. While you can’t change your physical age, new research suggests there are a few things you can to do to slow your biological age—that is, the age of your cells.
Read article in Prevention Magazine
Wellness for Older Adults: Tips for Healthy Aging in Cold Weather

Children living in North America eagerly anticipate the colder weather, bringing snow and fun to the northern parts of the continent. As we age, the plummeting temperatures may not signal quite as much ‘fun.’ Activities like driving to work may become more of a challenge in the snow and ice of the winter. During winter’s cold and flu season, our bodies may be more susceptible to illness and can sometimes feel the cold more easily. This article will explore tips for older adults to stay well in colder weather.
Key takeaways:
- Attending to your wellness as an older adult needs to occur year-round. Cold weather can be more challenging to stay well in, but it is possible.
- Increasing or maintaining an active lifestyle inside or out benefits your health. Be sure to dress for the weather conditions if you are outside and keep warm when inside.
- Practice prevention during the cold and flu season by hand sanitizing and getting a flu shot. Stay in if you are sick and contact your healthcare provider.
- Stay connected to other people to stay safe and combat loneliness and possibly depression.
How sitting too long raises dementia risk: 10 hours a day sedentary or more makes big difference, study finds – expert explains how to protect your brain

It’s quite clear that if you sit most of your waking day then you may gain weight, which will predispose you to all the attendant risks of being heavy – cardiovascular disease for a start.
But why must we be active to protect our brain?